According To Jennings


Anthony Buckeridge

978 0 7551 0165 8
Paperback | 190 pp
205 x 135 mm
Price: £6.99, $12.95, €11.45


The boys at Linbury Court Preparatory School are eager to speed up the progress of space travel, and none more so than Jennings, whose first task is to find a suitable helmet. But is it really a good idea to take a dome-shaped glass-case, which previously housed a stuffed woodpecker, and place it over his head? Petrified paintpots! Jennings and Darbishire’s luck is in when they hitch a ride with an international cricketer, and could it be that they’ve done something right for once when they attempt to apprehend a suspected burglar? Bat-witted clodpoll!

Author biography:

Anthony Buckeridge Born in 1912, Anthony Buckeridge was sent to boarding school in Sussex at the age of eight. He went on to university before working as a tutor in a preparatory school, and later became a fireman during the Second World War.

Buckeridge was the first writer to use prep schools as a setting for his stories and, as such, is the creator of the infamous Jennings. The ‘Jennings’ titles have sold over six million books worldwide.

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ISBNs: 9780755101658 978-0-7551-0165-8 Title: according to jennings