Jennings Again


Anthony Buckeridge

978 0 7551 0155 9
Paperback | 132 pp
205 x 135 mm
Price: £6.99, $10.95, €9.95


‘Dear Miss Thorpe, We hope you are quite well. We are very sorry we did not do your leaflets very well owing to strong winds. Darbishire has some new laces so we will give you your elastic band back when we come, but it has got stretched a bit owing to Darbishire’s shoe?’ When Linbury goes green, Jennings and Darbishire offer to do their bit for the environment and are given the task of distributing leaflets. Unfortunately, Darbishire’s shoelace refuses to stay tied and, using his initiative, Jennings removes the rubber band holding the leaflets together and performs an emergency shoelace repair. All seems fine, until a gust of wind hurls the leaflets over Marina Gardens. The residents are none too pleased, and it’s poor Mr Wilkins who’s going to get the blame? ‘Addle-pated eyewash!’

Author biography:

Anthony Buckeridge Born in 1912, Anthony Buckeridge was sent to boarding school in Sussex at the age of eight. He went on to university before working as a tutor in a preparatory school, and later became a fireman during the Second World War.

Buckeridge was the first writer to use prep schools as a setting for his stories and, as such, is the creator of the infamous Jennings. The ‘Jennings’ titles have sold over six million books worldwide.

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ISBNs: 9780755101559 978-0-7551-0155-9 Title: jennings again